Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

// Prog: shortest_path.C // compute a shortest robot path amidst obstacles in a grid #include int main() { // read floor dimensions int n; std::cin >> n; // number of rows int m; std::cin >> m; // number of columns // dynamically allocate twodimensional array of dimensions // (n+2) x (m+2) to hold the floor plus extra walls around int** floor = new int*[n+2]; for (int r=0; r 0 (source reached in 0 steps) // target: 'T' -> -1 (number of steps still unknown) // wall: 'X' -> -2 // empty cell: '-' -> -1 (number of steps still unknown) for (int r=1; r> entry; if (entry == 'S') floor[r][c] = 0; else if (entry == 'T') floor[tr = r][tc = c] = -1; else if (entry == 'X') floor[r][c] = -2; else if (entry == '-') floor[r][c] = -1; } // add surrounding walls for (int r=0; r 0) { int d = floor[r][c] - 1; // distance one less floor[r][c] = -3; // mark cell as being on shortest path // go to some neighbor with distance d if (floor[r-1][c] == d) --r; else if (floor[r+1][c] == d) ++r; else if (floor[r][c-1] == d) --c; else ++c; // (floor[r][c+1] == d) } // print floor with shortest path for (int r=1; r