Department of Computer Science | Institute of Theoretical Computer Science | CADMO

Theory of Combinatorial Algorithms

Prof. Emo Welzl and Prof. Bernd Gärtner

#ifndef TREAP_H #define TREAP_H #include #include "TreapNode.h" class Treap { public: // default constructor: // POST: *this is an empty tree Treap(); // copy constructor // POST *this is a copy of other Treap(const Treap& other); // assignment operator // Post: other was assigned to *this Treap& operator= (const Treap& other); // Destructor ~Treap(); // POST: checks whether *this is a binary search tree for its // keys and a heap for its priorities bool is_valid() const; // POST: the tree is empty void clear(); // POST: a new TreapNode with the given key is inserted into *this void insert(int key); // POST: removes a node with the given key from *this; if no such // node is present, nothing happens void remove(const int key); // POST: a constant pointer to a node with the given key is returned, // or 0 if such a node is not present const TreapNode* find(int key) const; // POST: const pointer to the root of *this is returned const TreapNode* get_root() const; // POST: *this is written to o in pre-order void print_preorder (std::ostream& o) const; // POST: *this is written to o in post-order void print_postorder (std::ostream& o) const; // POST: *this is written to o in in-order (sorted order) void print (std::ostream& o) const; // POST: height of *this is returned; -1 if *this is empty int height() const; // POST: the number of nodes in *this is returned int size() const; // POST: returns the key of the median of the sequence represented by *this int median() const; // PRE: *this is not empty // POST: removes the element with the maximum value and returns its key int remove_max(); // PRE: *this is not empty // POST: removes the element with the minimum value and returns its key int remove_min(); // POST: pretty-prints *this void pretty_print(std::ostream& o) const; private: TreapNode* root_; // POST: a pointer to a copy of the subtreap rooted at current is returned TreapNode* copy (const TreapNode* current); // POST: the subtreap rooted at current is emptied void clear_subtree(TreapNode* current); // PRE: current is a pointer in *this // POST: a new TreapNode with key and priority is inserted into the subtree // hanging off current void insert (TreapNode*& current, int key, int priority); // PRE: current is a pointer in *this // POST: removes a node with the given key from the subtreap hanging off // current; if key is not present, nothing happens void remove (TreapNode*& current, int key); // PRE: current is a pointer to a node in *this // POST: removes a node with the maximum key from the subtreap hanging off // current; int remove_max (TreapNode*& current); // PRE: current is a pointer to a node in *this // POST: removes a node with the minimum key from the subtreap hanging off // current; int remove_min (TreapNode*& current); // PRE: current is a pointer to a node in *this // POST: the root key of the subtree hanging off current is removed void remove_root (TreapNode*& current); // helper methods, used by the public print methods void print (std::ostream& o, const TreapNode* current) const; void print_preorder (std::ostream& o, const TreapNode* current) const; void print_postorder (std::ostream& o, const TreapNode* current) const; // POST: returns size of the subtree hanging off current int size (const TreapNode* current) const; // PRE: current->right_ != 0 // POST: a rotation to the left has been performed void rotate_left (TreapNode*& current); // PRE: current->left_ != 0 // POST: a rotation to the right has been performed void rotate_right (TreapNode*& current); // prettyprints one row of the tree void print_row (std::ostream& o, double row) const; // POST: height of the subtree hanging off current is returned int height(const TreapNode* current) const; // PRE: current is a pointer to a node in *this // POST: checks whether the subtreap hanging off current is a // binary search tree for its keys, and returns the smallest // and largest key in min and max bool is_binary_search_tree (const TreapNode* current, int& min, int& max) const; // PRE: current is a pointer to a node in *this // POST: checks whether the subtree hanging off current is a // heap for its priorities bool is_heap (const TreapNode* current) const; }; // POST: t is written to o in in-order (sorted order) std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const Treap& t); #endif